School Group Tour Request Form

School Group Tour Request Form

Mahalo for your interest in visiting HPU's Downtown Campus, located in the center of Honolulu's business district.

Our Downtown Campus locations include Aloha Tower Marketplace (ATM), Waterfront Plaza (WP) and Downtown Science Labs (DSL).

Please refer to the group request timelines below to ensure the smoothest coordination and best accommodations for your group.

Submission of this form is NOT confirmation of your group’s tour.

You will receive a separate email from either confirming your request or seeking additional information. Please read this form carefully and ensure your details are as accurate as possible.

Minimum: 11
Maximum: 50 (including chaperones)

LOCAL: At least two (2) weeks prior to your requested date
US/MAINLAND: One (1) to two (2) months prior to your requested date
INTERNATIONAL: Two (2) to three (3) months prior to your requested date

If you have questions, please contact us at