Personal Information
Please include @
Gender *
Please list a working email address that ends in @gmail.com. You will use this to access the study abroad blog. If you do not have a gmail address, you can create one then list it here.
We would love to use your photos to help promote study abroad. We will be following all students currently abroad and reposting some photos on the Study Abroad Instagram account. If you would not like us to follow you please indicate that in this field. #studyabroadhpu
Academic Information
Please list the name of the university or program where you wish to study abroad
Please list the name of the country where you will be studying abroad.
If you don't know the answer to this question, please contact us at studyabroad@hpu.edu or come to one of our application workshops!
Course Information
This section outlines the courses that you plan to take while abroad as well as the HPU credit that you will be receive for those courses. Please list 4-5 courses that would be your ideal schedule while abroad as well as 2 alternate courses. You will need to obtain approval from your department liaison in the form of a Course Approval Request Form (CARF) in order for these classes to count towards your degree. If you are taking General Education credits or unrestricted electives while abroad, Melissa Matsubara can approve those courses. Please note that these fields are not marked as required because students take different amounts of classes, but it is very important to complete this section as part of your application
Please include the HPU requirements that you will be meeting with the classes you will be taking abroad. Examples: Global Crossroads, HIST 3XXX (upper division history elective), or ECON 3400
Please write the name and course number (if possible) for the courses that you are hoping to take at your host university. Example: ITL 304 Food and Culture of Italy.
Please include the HPU requirements for alternative classes that you have gotten approved, but are not your first choice for your ideal schedule
Please include the HPU requirements that you will be meeting with the classes you will be taking abroad. Examples: Global Crossroads, HIST 3XXX (upper division history elective), or ECON 3400
Please write the name and course number (if possible) for the courses that you are hoping to take at your host university. Example: ITL 304 Food and Culture of Italy.
Emergency Contact Information (Required)
Please include the information of the person you would like us to contact if there is an Emergency while you're at HPU.
Needs Disclosure
We want to partner with you on your successful time abroad and help you explore options to receive adequate support while overseas and as you return to HPU.
Please note that nothing you list here will keep you from being able to go abroad. We just want to be able to support you according to your needs.
Okay to share email with other students studying abroad in the same term? *
We often share the name, email and country information with all other HPU students who will be studying abroad. Students have enjoyed connecting and visiting each other. Please let us know if you Do Not Wish to Share Your Contact Info with other students.
I certify that all the information entered above is accurate and I understand the following:
1. I understand that if there is concern for my health and safety, HPU will contact the emergency contact I’ve listed above.
2. I understand that I will be required to have International Health & Insurance Coverage while I'm abroad whether I it is provided by my program, or I have to purchase it on my own.
3. In addition to submitting this application, I will need to apply to my host university or program as well as obtain a student visa, and there may be costs associated with these processes.
4. I understand that the fact I have applied to study abroad will be share with other HPU departments, including Counseling and Behavioral Health.
5. One of the requirements to study abroad is meeting HPU's standards for judicial and academic conduct. Therefore, I agree to the release of my disciplinary records as well as any informal processes in which I participated with the Office of Student Conduct.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.